Please use the form below to become a member of Kanhaug!

All donations are gratefully received. You can can donate in cash or by bank transfer (3325.33.38984), or send money via VIPPS to 773722. If you want to make a pledge, please get in touch with us using the form below.

If you want to organise an event to raise funds for Kanhaug, thank you very much! Please get in touch using the form or by phone and we can give you information that you need.

We make various presentations throughout the year at various locations. Keep looking at this website to find out when and where. Your attendance makes a difference.  If you want us to make a presentation at your church or organisation please get in touch!​


We greatly appreciate your prayers for the needy children in Sierra Leone.

Support Us

Education for Needy Children and Youth in Sierra Leone

Find Us

Get in Touch


Reeholen 49, 4340 Bryne, NORWAY


Phone Dennis: +47 4021 0787

Phone Elin:      +47 9094 5278
